
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Ambitions

I am a person with little greed, and hardly interested in anything. So, it's hard to mention my ambitions. If I had to say, there're two ambitions. The first is to travel to many countries. As I said last week, I want to go to Russia and China. In addition, I want to go to English-speaking countries because I study English now. In the future, if I study another new language, I will travel to the country in which the language is spoken. Second is to continue to eat bread everyday. Obviously, I love bread. I'm not sure I'll become a baker although I will be happy if I become it. However, I want to make sure I eat bread every day.

My ambition

One of my ambition is going the two biggest Disney in the United States.  There are two Disney Resorts in the U.S. One is 'Disney California Adventure Park', which is the first Disney World in the world. Another is ’Walt Disney World Resort,' which is the biggest Disney World in the world. Each park has various specific attractions, events, and greetings with a lot of characters. And I would like to introduce why I long for visiting these parks. Actually, I have ever been to 'Tokyo Disney Resort' a few times. I had spent a lot wonderful time with my families there. The time was as if I had dreamed. In addition to this, I can forget my concerns in the park and clearly remember the lovely memories there. However, I have never tried to Disney World in foreign countries. I'm sure if I go to the two biggest Disney World in the U.S. I will be able to experience the more realistic Disney world. When I complete this ambitious, I will have new aspiration to visit the oth

My ambition

                                   My ambition I would like to introduce the thing I long to do which are in my bucket list.       It is to see the aurora by my own eyes. I think most of the people long to see it as well. I would like to see this because it is very rare phenomenon, and it depends on our luck but it is not the only reason. What made me want to see is a movie which was released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2003. The film is called Brother Bear, in this movie the aurora is featured as heaven, and it is where animals go after they die. Many years have passed since I last watched this movie, but I distinctly remember how beautifully the aurora was shown. I really hope I could see it while enjoying the snow, clear sky, and to feel like I am in a magical space. After I see this, I would like to meet Santa Claus in Lapland, and then meet Saami people in Finland. This is my dream trip!!

My Ambitions

Write a post in which you describe up to three of your ambitions. Say what some of the things you would like to achieve in life are and explain why you long for these things.

My Dream Adventure

A long-time dream of mine has been to visit Instanbul, a cosmopolitan city found in Turkey on the shores of the Bosphorus River and on the crossroads between Europe and Asia. Perhaps my wife & I should consider living & working there for a year. There is so much to see. The place I long to visit most there is the ancient church, Hagia Sophia. It is about 1400 years old and cavernous in size. It is an architectural & engineering marvel and a tribute to those who designed and built it with the motivation of honouring God. I would love to go there often and spend hours in quiet awe. Then there are other ancient structures such as the Blue Mosque and the historical city walls to explore, delicious kebabs to be eaten and coffee to be drunk and the Bosphorus to walk alongside or cruise and turkish rugs and pots to purchase and so on. Spending time in Instanbul would deepen my knowledge of the world and build a sense of wonder about it. I hope I could make that place a better plac

A Dream Adventure

I would like to go to 2 countries. First, I want to go to Russian. It 's because I study Russian now. My mother also likes travel and has traveled many places. But she hasn't travelled Russian. So, I want to go to Russian with her. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to like to take long plane rides. So, we'll go to Vladivostok. It's called the closest Europe to Japan and we can go there in about 2.5 hours by planes from Japan. Russia is the largest country in the world. So, if I can, I want to visit many Russian cities, such as Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Second, I want to go to Taiwan in China. I like travel, but I won't go to many countries because I can't speak the local language. Although you can travel countries even if you can't speak the local language, I think the travel will be fulfilling much more if I can use the language. So, I'll visit countries whose language I can speak. Now I study English and Russian. I don't study Chinese. Well, w

My Dream Adventure

I would like to travel the Mediterranean Sea. There are many resort areas in the wonderful sea. So I want to visit each beautiful islands to see lovely sea or buildings which have characteristic atmosphere.  Of course, I want to drive by myself so that I can enjoy free trip without worrying about time. But the most beautiful part I should experience in the Mediterranean Sea  is sea, isn't it? That's why I would try to get on ships in order to enjoy the calm wind and wonderful sea. And I want to spend a month on the trip and hang out with my best friends who I met when we were high school students. We are always talking about our dream adventure in the future. Especially, I want to visit Malta, which has many cute buildings, marine markets and other charming spots. I'm sure we can take attractive photos and make an impressive album. I believe this trip will encourage me to learn foreign cultures and languages more deeply. And the sunshine in the Mediterranean will absolutely

My dream adventure

  I would like to go to Finland, Sweden, and Norway to see, and do many things but the thing I want to do the most is to meet Saami people. Saami is the biggest indigenous group in Europe. They live in the North part of those three countries, and Russia. They speak Saami language, and they make a living by hunting and fishing, but also by selling reindeers. They live with about 6 reindeers, and they sell their meat, and furs. Saami do not treat reindeers as just animal, but life partners which help them survive. It has a very long history between Saami, and reindeers, and they can not live without each other. I would go there by airplane, and after I arrived, I will use train for transportation, because it is very advanced, it can take you almost anywhere. I would stay there for a week, and enjoy 3 countries as I like. I would rather go there by myself, because I can plan my itinerary freely, and do not have to worry about changing the plan. I would like to go there to make people pa

A Dream Adventure

Write a post in which you describe your dream adventure. Where would you like to go and what would you like to see & do? How would you like to travel? How long do you imagine your trip taking? Is there anybody in particular you'd like to travel with? How might you use this trip to make the world a better place? How do you expect this trip might change you?

A Turning Point

A turning point in my life was making the decision to go to work in Japan in 1990. My fiance, Patricia, saw an advertisement in the newspaper seeking English language teachers in the Kansai region of Japan and having studied English literature, linguistics and education at university, I had a relevant background. At the same time, the job market in New Zealand was pretty depressed in 1990, so this opening represented a good opportunity. Well to cut a long story short, April of that year saw me getting married and May saw me winging my way to Osaka, with my wife to follow the following month. The decision has had a major effect on my life. It saw us bringing up our children in Japan, building some strong friendships there and developing a deep love for the Japanese aesthetic. In addition, it resulted in me developing a lifelong career in ESOL. If I hadn't gone to Japan, it is hard to imagine what my life would have been like. Perhaps I might have gone to a different country and adap

A Turning Point

   My turning point was when I chose my high school at 15 age. When all students decided which school to take, I had not decided that yet. This was because I had two options then.   The first one was to go to the high school all my friends were supposed to go, which was not a preparatory school. The second one was to go to a preparatory school in the next city. My teacher and parents told me to choose the second option. However, I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t want to say goodbye to my friends. lol   I was understanding it was my selfishness, so I decided to take the second option. It was hard choice for me because it was needed my tough study to pass the entrance exam. And I don’t regret this decision. Luckily, I could pass the exam and make new friends there. Moreover, I was able to study very hard , influenced by friends around me. That’s why I can take this online classes now! If I had chosen the first option, I would not have been interested in English and study abroad.

My turning point

                                    My turning point      My turning point in my life was when I decided to have a pet for the first time. I am allergic to dog, and cats so I decided to have a hamster. I got a Djungarian hamster, and named Lemon. It is very suitable specie of hamster as a pet, because it is likely to show affection to people. I got it on my birthday a few years ago.      Since I was a child, I really wanted to have a pet, but I can not have dogs, or cats, so I did not have many choices, and my mother thought I will take care of the pet only for a few days, and leave it to her to take care. But my younger sister also wanted a pet, so we promised to ourselves to take good care of it until it pass away.       But taking care a living creature in an apartment was harder than I imagined. We always had to make sure the room temperature is not too cold, or hot for him. But not only that we had to wash his cage every day for sanitary reason. While I was taking care of him, I l

A Turning Point

 One of my turning points of my life was a club competition in high school. When I was in high school, I was a member of the badminton club. When I was a freshman in high school, I had little enthusiasm for a club and was negative. At that time, I didn't really get along with the rest of the team.  One day in March, there was a badminton competition. I had free time and got a chance to watch a doubles final by accident.  While I was watching, I was really impressed. How they are enjoying the game! I felt I wanted to enjoy badminton like them, even if I can't play well. From the next day, I arrived at the practice field early even before the activity, and practiced alone. After a few days later, one of members who also arrived early every time invited me to practice. We enjoyed practice very much. Since the day, we practiced together every before activities. In addition, we had become good friends, hanging out all the time. Then, I was getting along with others members gradually

A Turning Point

Write about a turning point in your life. Discuss the below questions in your post. 1) What was the decision? Who was involved? Did anyone or anything influence your decision? 2) How did the decision affect what happened afterwards? 3) How might things have been different now had you made a different decision?

What Freedom Means to Me

Around 2000 years ago, Jesus said to a crowd of people who had come to hear him speak "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Freedom to me means freedom from the shackles of sin & death. Jesus achieved this freedom for me by taking the punishment for my sins on the Cross. God's love for me in Jesus Christ has also given me a confidence I can carry with me everyday. Because I know that I am loved, I am freed from the need to constantly seek the approval and affirmation of others. I am free to be me. Nothing anybody says to me can undermine the fact that I am of worth. Confident in God's love for me, my life then becomes one of taking up the challenge of "loving my neighbour as myself" and even "loving my enemies." Freedom to me is freedom from sin & death, freedom to be me & freedom to love dangerously.  

What freedom means to me

I feel freedom when I can eat as much as I like. Basically, if you want to eat a lot, it costs a lot of money. But, in an all-you-can-eat or buffet type restaurant, you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want without concern of money. There are a lot of style, for example salad, appetizer, soup, coffee, tea, bread, and sweets. I have enjoyed picking strawberries. I remember after eating, I noticed there were no strawberries at all in a field! lol I have never experienced sweets buffet. I've heard there are many kinds of style, such as tropical fruits sweets, strawberries sweets, chocolate sweets, Halloween sweets and Christmas sweets. If you have interest, Let's go together!

What freedom means to me

    Clothes     What freedom means to me is I can choose whatever I want to wear. I believe many people will hope to have freedom in terms of bigger scale, but I would like to focus on clothes.     I am a girl, so I had been forced to wear skirts while I was with my grandparents . My grandmother thinks girls should wear skirts because we are girls, and jeans are for boys. When I always tell her that I prefer to wear various kind of jeans to skirts, she makes a grimace. Then my mother changes my outfit to a girlish skirt when I was a child. You might think it is only when I meet them, but they live far away, so my family tend to stay for a few days every two months. I love spending time with them but not about the point I have to wear clothes I really do not want to. After a few years, I kept wearing skirts, but one time when I visited them, my grandmother did not tell me to wear it. She just looked at me and said you look good in that. Later I had found out that my grandfather respec

What is freedom for me.

 For me, freedom means not having to worry about time. I think that time limit people's lives. For example, we have to go to our jobs and do housework in daily life. So we can't do what we want to do freely whole day. I think people all over the world must live while caring about time limits. And time limits make them tired and stressful every day. That's why they can feel freedom when they have enough time to rest and enjoy what they want to do. In my opinion, traveling is the best way to get freedom. When I travel during holidays or vacations, I can use a lot of time for what I want to do freely and enjoy some activities and delicious foods. The pleasure gives us happiness. So, I believe that freedom is related to our happiness.