My turning point

                                    My turning point

     My turning point in my life was when I decided to have a pet for the first time. I am allergic to dog, and cats so I decided to have a hamster. I got a Djungarian hamster, and named Lemon. It is very suitable specie of hamster as a pet, because it is likely to show affection to people. I got it on my birthday a few years ago. 

    Since I was a child, I really wanted to have a pet, but I can not have dogs, or cats, so I did not have many choices, and my mother thought I will take care of the pet only for a few days, and leave it to her to take care. But my younger sister also wanted a pet, so we promised to ourselves to take good care of it until it pass away.       But taking care a living creature in an apartment was harder than I imagined. We always had to make sure the room temperature is not too cold, or hot for him. But not only that we had to wash his cage every day for sanitary reason. While I was taking care of him, I learned many things, for example even I small creature is hard to take care, I wonder how tiring it is for pet owners who have many pets, and also even if you had a short period of time to spend time together with your pet, when it pass away, you feel very sad. So after he past away, I had a second thought about having a new pet. If I hadn’t decided to have a pet, I could have not learn how hard it is to treat a living creature, and how precious it can be if you send time together.


  1. My mother has had many medaka for a long time. Every year many medaka are born, but some medaka dye. Every she experiences the death, she think how to grow them well. Having a pet heal people, but is hard. Nowadays abandonment of animals is a problem because COVID 19 causes poverty. What do you think about this?

    1. I saw news saying that there were 108 abandoned dogs in a small house where it used to be a pet shop. When I saw this, I thought how irresponsible the homeowner was. I think unmannered people should be punished heavily regardless of the victims are human or animals.

  2. I really sympathize with you! I started to have a dog from last year, so I learned things you had learned now. Although we're so sad when our pets pass away, we can have wonderful time with them, I think. By the way, I want you to tell me why you named your hamster "Lemon".

    1. You might be surprised but we named him Lemon because I love Lemon.!! Haha.

  3. Nice post, your reflections on caring for a pet ring true. It is nice to know that you learned a number of skills through caring for Lemon. My experiences of caring for tropical fish & a dog are in alignment with yours. There is a lot to be done when it comes to caring for a pet well.
    David :-)

    1. I found it really hard to take care an animal. I hope all the pets owners will take good care of their animas!!


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