My Ambitions

I am a person with little greed, and hardly interested in anything. So, it's hard to mention my ambitions. If I had to say, there're two ambitions.

The first is to travel to many countries. As I said last week, I want to go to Russia and China. In addition, I want to go to English-speaking countries because I study English now. In the future, if I study another new language, I will travel to the country in which the language is spoken.

Second is to continue to eat bread everyday. Obviously, I love bread. I'm not sure I'll become a baker although I will be happy if I become it. However, I want to make sure I eat bread every day.


  1. I can understand that types of ambition depends on each people. I think your ambition, which is eating bread every day, is so nice one! :) I'm sure eating the favorite food makes us happy. And I can imagine you will be a baker. lol

    1. I think Everyone will want to eat favorite food everyday! What do you want to eat everyday?

  2. I like your writing. From the picture I guessed you would write about bread, but don't you get sick of bread if you eat it every day? I would like to know some of your recommendations.

    1. Instead of eating a lot of bread, I hardly ever eat snack or candy although I like them. And I get moderate exercise in order not to gain weight. It's hard to recommend to you, but I suggest you try bakeries around your town! Near Kansai University there are many bakeries, not only Izakaya, did you know?

  3. Thanks for sharing. Your ambition to eat bread everyday reminds me of a prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray. It includes the words "Give us this day our daily bread." Which essentially means "Provide us with enough food to eat." For you though the meaning would be more literal! You really do seek daily 'bread!'
    David :-)

    1. I know bread has a connection to religion. You know, bread is drawn at the Last Supper.


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