
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Future of New Zealand: Some Predictions

 I'd like to share some predictions about life in New Zealand. I believe it will be difficult to solve the crisis in housing unaffordability by 2030. Housing has been becoming increasingly unaffordable over the past three years and the Covid 19 pandemic has only exacerbated the problem as New Zealanders abroad have rushed to return home. I think the key to solving the problem is the opening up of new areas of land on the city fringes for housing estates and the opening up of inner city land for high density housing towers. I don't believe New Zealand will achieve its goal to be preadator free by 2050, but I do believe it will have partially achived this goal in that more regions of the country will be predator free, especially offshore islands such as Stewart Island and Waiheke Island. I think for the goal to be reached, steps will have to be taken to prevent domestic cats hunting and killing birds. Registration could be required for cats and they could be required to wear bell...

The Future: My Prediction

I believe Japan will change in the future in below three ways. 1. Refugee The birth rate in Japan continues to decline and the Japanese population is rapidly aging. So, the government will admit refugees in order to compensate for labor shortage. If so, they'll play an important role in labor force, but illegal refugees will appear. 2. Atomic power station  There will be no atomic power station. Japan will generate electricity with renewable energy. It's really environmentally friendly, but the electric bill will be higher than now. 3. Plant factory Plant factory will increase. This is a form of agriculture that uses LEDs instead of light sources, culture fluid instead of soil, and controlled temperature, humidity, and air conditioning. Using this, we can produce healthy vegetables in the center of cities. In addition, yields are not affected by climate change. However, the problem is money. A manager will need a lot of money to run the factory. Then, vegetables will also much ...

The future: My predictions

          The future of Japan   My first prediction about Japan is that a lot of people will be living in rural areas compared to now, because of the COVID-19’s spread, people are feeling unsafe, or unconfutable living in bustling cities especially for their children. I saw an article saying that some families are moving to rural areas to live a life they could not do in cities. They grow enough vegetables, or spend more time with their children. I think this change is a positive thing because major cities are overpopulated, so if more people move to rural areas, areas can be developed, and get more attention from tourists.    My second prediction is that about 50% of the population will be people from other countries. Before the pandemic happened, it was normal for me to see different types of people shopping or living next door. I think it is a good change because we might be able to absorb many interesting cultural things from them, and they can learn about Ja...

My prediction in Japan

40% of Japanese will not get married in their life. Now, lifetime unmarried rate of man in Japan is 23.4%. And that of female is 14.1%. Before the half century, most Japanese had experienced marrying. So it is clear that the rate is getting higher. This change is bad for our society because it worsens aging population and lower birthrate, which cause various problems in my country.  By 2080, the population in Japan will be less than half of what it is now. One of the heavy problem in Japan is the low of birth rate. If this situation continues for a while, population decline will be so a serious issue. For example, social security system won't stop working. Moreover, some traditional products and events may be disappeared in local areas. By 2040, unoccupied house rate will rise to 30%. The main cause of increasing unoccupied houses is related to the number of elderly people. When they move to nursing home or the other house which their children live, unoccupied houses will be appear...

The Future: My Prediction

Write a post in which you discuss three ways in which you believe your country will change in the future. Say whether these changes will be for the better or the worse.

A Commonly Held Perception

I have often heard it said that we only use a very small percentage of our brainpower. In fact, "a ccording to a survey from 2013, around  65 percent  of Americans believe that we only use  10 percent  of our brain." Some people who tout this myth do so with the motivation of selling the public methods for using more of their brain capacity. Researchers using brain imaging techniques, though, have found that " most of our brain is in use most of the time, even when a person is performing a very simple action" and "a  lot of the brain is even active when a person is resting or sleeping."