The future: My predictions

          The future of Japan

  My first prediction about Japan is that a lot of people will be living in rural areas compared to now, because of the COVID-19’s spread, people are feeling unsafe, or unconfutable living in bustling cities especially for their children. I saw an article saying that some families are moving to rural areas to live a life they could not do in cities. They grow enough vegetables, or spend more time with their children. I think this change is a positive thing because major cities are overpopulated, so if more people move to rural areas, areas can be developed, and get more attention from tourists.


 My second prediction is that about 50% of the population will be people from other countries. Before the pandemic happened, it was normal for me to see different types of people shopping or living next door. I think it is a good change because we might be able to absorb many interesting cultural things from them, and they can learn about Japanese culture by living here.


  My third prediction is that Japan might become a developing country in near future. People started to say this when we had to ask other countries for vaccines to help infected people. Japanese government are trying hard to take down corona virus but more and more people are being infected. I also think Korea is getting more power than Japan in several areas, like music, and dramas. I think it is not a bad thing because we can come together to become a developed country again as a one team.    


  1. Fascinating predictions. Can urbanization in Japan be reversed? Perhaps an increasing uptake of mobile technology and an increasing acceptance of 'working from home' might enable people to leave the cities for a more comfortable life in the countryside. Or perhaps as the population falls, vacant houses and apartment buildings could be cleared and people could bring the country to the city by planting crops and forests on this land.

    1. I think it would not be solved in near future because of the epidemic, many people are depending on delivery services more than ever to stay safe at home, and become too lazy to cook because of quarantine. Also they can not live without them, so people will not live the city.

  2. First prediction is really interesting. Unlike you, some people say rural areas will be losing population. It's hard for me to live with an imagined future. I can never imagine what will happen after the COVID 19. So, I live in the moment and enjoy it. lol

    1. I really understand your idea, we can not predict the future 100% accurate, we should do our best every moments, and enjoy the moments.

  3. I like your first prediction! If more and more people move to rural area, they will not be suffered from the economic problem or disappearing traditional things. So I hope your idea will be true.

    1. I hope so too. I hope more people will move to rural areas and have a good life they could not have in the cities.


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