To prevent crimes


 I would like to write about 3 points we should do to prevent crimes to happen.


First point is to increase the number of surveillance cameras, and bright lights along the narrow, and dark streets where crimes tend to happen a lot. I assume police know the common places where people get attacked at night, so they should set cameras to make bad people hesitate from doing.


Second point is to defend yourself. Many people are being hurt, attacked, or killed by bad people, so to prevent it we should know how to defend ourselves. My idea is to make it a obligation for young people to learn Judo, or Karate or Aikido. Now days even boys are being hurt, so regardless of the gender, all young adults should do it in order to protect themselves, and also others.


The last point is some people committee crimes because they are in serious need of money, so my opinion is to allow people to get loan or insurance for certain period from their government, and after they earned enough money, they can pay back. The amount of money they can borrow must depend on the number of their family, so big family can get more money in advance. In order to succeed this system, the government must raise the minimum wages for people to earn enough money to raise their family, and to pay back.


These are my 3 points to prevent crimes.

First is to increase the number of surveillance cameras, and bright lights along the streets.

Second is to be able to defend yourself.

Third is to make a system which people can get loan.


  1. Speaking of a minimum wage, I think that the government should not only give the unemployed jobs, but also improve work environments.

    1. I think you are right. The government should also do some changes to improve working environment for people.

  2. I think it's an interesting idea that young people should learn Judo or something like that to prevent crimes. I want to try to do it! Have you ever learned them?

    1. No, only some classes of Judo in Junior High School. it was so hard, but it is a good sport to release stress. haha

  3. The idea of providing loans to assist the poor is an excellent one. Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist, is famous for championing 'microloans,' - small low-interest or interest-free loans for the poor that can help them get ahead by say establishing a small business. Loans may have an advantage over 'hand outs' in that they might be more likely to foster the targeted and strategic use of the funds by the loan recipients.

    1. I did not know there was a person who actually implemented loans for poor. I think loan is a very good way to open the door to earn money for them, and start working at the same time.


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