Crime & Punishment

 If the following things are done, I believe the crime rate will fall:

a) The government should give financial support to companies which provide apprenticeships and other training-on-the-job opportunities to school leavers and prison releasees.

b) The government should introduce various programmes to prevent child abuse, such as high-profile advertising campaigns, support packages for young and single parents, and compulsory rehabilitation programmes for abusers. Steps such as these might break the cycle of abuse, where the abused go on to abuse their own children or other relatives. 

c) Various cultural, religious and sporting organizations should provide programmes which give young people a sense of belonging and a purpose for living and importantly provide them with expectations to meet regarding their conduct and support so when they fail to meet these goals they can 'get back on the rails' again.


  1. They are interesting. It's important to make prison releasees return to normal life easily. From this point of view, I think that work assigned to prisoners pays the important role in their job trainings.

    1. Nice thinking. Yes I think if employers provided guaranteed jobs for those who successfully completed their training, that would be motivational.

  2. I think your 3 ideas are practical, and effective. I never thought of the idea of cultural, religious and sporting organizations should help young adults to have fresh new lives. I totally agree that for young people, they need somewhere they can feel like they are needed.

    1. Indeed, to feel needed, to feel like your contribution is valued and that it can have a positive impact, to feel that you belong somewhere, these are all important needs. In meeting youngsters need for belonging and their need to be respected and excel, clubs, societies and associations have an important role to play.

  3. The third one is so interesting for me. The organizations should support them, and it's important for them to understand a sense of belonging to the society.

    1. Agreed, and it is volunteers who largely run such organizations as clubs and societies. Yet they can have such an important role in making youngsters into good citizens.


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