A fallacy

  Does Coffee Really Stunt Your Growth?

Do you like coffee?  Did your parents told you not to drink coffee when you were young because it can stunt your growth of height? If so, have you never thought of whether it is  true or not ?  

Many people all over the world start their day by drinking one cup of coffee. So, there is a lot of debate over whether coffee is safe for teenagers or not, because it is thought to stunt proper bone growth and development.

According to a website, there is no evidence that drinking coffee has any effect on height. One study researched 81 women aged 12–18 for six years. It found no difference in bone health between those who drink coffee a lot, compared to those with the lowest.

The reason why this myth spread is unknown, but it’s thought to do with caffeine. Research suggests the caffeine can reduce the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for bone strength and health

Some parents really strict their children from drinking coffee because they think it would prevent their bones from fully developing. But research proved that the reduction in calcium absorption by taking caffeine is  small that it can be covered up by adding 1or 2 tablespoons of milk to 180 ml of coffee you drink. 


  1. Fascinating post! So teenagers should choose a 'cafe au lait' or a 'latte!' Interestingly, there has been so much debate about the effects of drinking caffeinated beverages, with some arguing that moderate consumption of such drinks is actually good for the health. Do you make a habit of drinking tea or coffee?

    1. I often drink black coffee with much milk when I eat sweets after dinner. But I drink much coffee when I have to study late for the exams.

  2. Since my brother was little, he has often drunk coffee. So, my mother often said this fallacy. However, now he is not short! lol

    1. It is proved that coffee does not effect our height growth by your brother then.

  3. Because I drink coffee every day and love it, I can be relieved to read your post! But taking caffeine too much may cause bad effects in our body... I should be careful about amount of drinking coffee.

    1. I totally agree with you. We should not drink too much coffee! But I like to drink coffee when eating sweets.


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