My Ambitions

What are my ambitions? Well, let me see. For one thing, I want to draw closer to God. Secondly I want to be a better husband, and thirdly I want to build and maintain deeper friendships. To draw closer to God, having a regular time to pray and read the Bible would help. To be a better husband, I should always approach my wife with a positive frame of mind and prioritize doing enjoyable things, such as going on outings, with her. To build deeper friendships, I should invite people I have met over to my house for a meal and get to know them better. I think the overarching motivation behind these three ambitions is to make my life count. I shouldn't let a day go by without thanking God for it and living out His love and light in my interactions. I must remind myself that I only get to live each day once, so what am I going to make of it?